We’re just 10 days away from Christmas and if you’re still shopping, here are a few ideas for the music lovers on your list.
Record Player – Know someone that doesn’t have a record player but wants to start listening to vinyl? A portable record player makes a great first turntable. With built in speakers, 3 speeds and RCA output, you can just plug it in and play.
Record Store Day Black Friday Exclusives – Buying for a record collector? Record Store Day Black Friday exclusive, limited edition, picture discs, and colored vinyl records make great gifts.
New Stones Album – Have a Rolling Stones fan on your list? The Stones’ new album, Blue and Lonesome, is their first studio album in over 10 years and the band’s first album of all covers. Loaded with old blues songs, this is the type of blue Christmas you want to have!

Art by a Local Artist – Buying for someone who has everything? A piece of art always makes a great gift! Vinyl Revival has a nice selection of artwork made locally including pottery by Bob Deane, drawings by Drew Arata, and creepy doll art by Kimmymetal’s Creepy Creations and Art.
Album Cover Art Handbag – Made by hand, an album cover handbag is rock wear for the fashionista on your list.
Books by Local Authors – Vinyl Revival has several books by local authors including autographed copies of Rock & Roll’s Hidden Giant: The Story of Rock Pioneer Charlie Gracie, Pop’s Cookie Duster by Don Doyle, Lee Doyle, and Annette Debevec, Another Day on Planet Earth by Frank Rosci, and Love You Live, Rolling Stones Fanzine from the Common Fan by Marilou Regan.
Rock and Roll Home Decor – Rock & roll home accessories like clocks, bowls, coasters, and magnets made from recycled records add rocker chic to any room.

Vinyl Revival Gift Certificate – Give the gift of music with a Vinyl Revival gift certificate.