The TV show, The Monkees, premiered on September 12th, 1966. With comedy that was a little off-the-wall and fun music, it’s no surprise that the series still lives on in re-runs and the music continues through the touring of the remaining members.
The Monkees were, and still are, one of my favorite groups. I used to watch their show every day growing up and got to see them for the first time in the mid-eighties in Atlantic City. I saw them pretty much every time they played Philly after that. I even had the pleasure of meeting Davy Jones after a performance at the Woodbine Inn in NJ in the late eighties/early nineties. He was so nice to talk to and autographed my Monkees’ picture disk.
If you’re a Monkees fan like me, then you may want to stop by and pick up The Monkees Greatest Hits, More of the Monkees or my favorite, Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn & Jones Ltd.
What’s your favorite Monkees’ episode or album?
My favourite album is ‘Pisces, Aquarius, Capricorn and Jones, Ltd.’ but ‘Headquarters’ follows closely behind that. Just knowing the history of how those albums were made make them a pleasure to listen to.